Tuesday 26 February 2013

Progress of learning British Sign Language

I have recently been attending a sign language society (more of a 'club') in university where we practice signs, and try to learn them by heart. It's been useful for extending vocabulary, and it's nice to come across simple sentences and realize you can say them in both English, and BSL. I've made a short list, and there are at least 183 signs I can recall. I'd like to increase this amount.

I've decided it would generally be pretty awesome to do something with this hobby - either through writing with deaf characters, getting into education and giving lectures for deaf awareness, raising money for Action on Hearing Loss, etc. At some point in my creative writing course we have to write about a 5 year plan in regards to how to get to a particular career we want to do, or particular life aim, and later, even be mock interviewed for the position. We were told to aim high, but it had to be a job that was being advertised somewhere. As a joke, I thought of applying as a 'Mystery Shopper' in South Korea, (Yes I found an advertisement for one written in English.) but more seriously I think I'm heading towards the lines of following my own interests and making something out of it. Otherwise, I'll just get bored. I should probably start working hard to get a good degree, but I realize it may not be so essential, as I'll need to gain experience than anything else.

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