Saturday 2 November 2013

Catch up

After not posting for a while, I thought it was time to clear the dust. I have quite a few blog ideas, so I'll try and update more regularly. It's more for my benefit than anyone elses' - I doubt anyone reads this anyway. Maybe Sticky'll check it now and then.

So what have I been up to? A heck of a lot of things has happened since my last post. I lost a friend, but in return I think they'll be happier. I've been looking after my mental health as much as possible because I do not want to swing into depression again. My friends have been fantastic in supporting me and we've cooked a lot together, taking in turns so no one is burdening the other and food is more varied because of it! I've needed sometime alone and perhaps its ironic I use some of it to update this blog, but ah well, doesn't matter. I can be hypocritical if I want because I have a cold, therefore I win. - Flu logic.

In other news I've been playing a lot of Magic The Gathering and I'm hoping to quickly build a blue Merfolk deck for a Tribal game. I signed up to NaNoWriMo in a desperate bid to motivate me to start a novel I needed to write for my degree anyway. So far I have 1190 words so only 48,810 more to go! I've been back and forth with illness of both a physical and mental nature, the physical this time obscenely worse which makes me desperate to try and at least do my part in keeping both natures in check. I've been cooking a lot when I can; stirfrys, pasta bakes, cakes, cookies, panna cotta, trifle, etc. It's been good fun and I know I'm healthier for it. I've been reading only a little, but mostly titles such as 'The Last Don' by Mario Puzo and on the other side, a book on contemporary Japanese religion. On my desk is the doctrine of Tenrikyo, and an interesting book called 'Some Spirits Heal, Others Only Dance' which I'm curious about. I will probably try to make more of an effort today now the house is notably quieter. I've been drawing now and then too, but unfortunately I've lost my memory cards so I cannot share anything. It's probably been a deflater for blog posts too, as I would love to show what I've been cooking but can't. Alas! I've also been making a game in RPG Maker VX Ace, and am wanting to learn the art of Blender when I have access to a faster laptop.

I've also found it helpful to use a nifty website called Getyedone which has helped me organise things I need to and motivate me to do more - especially things I especially don't want to do. If there any D&D'ers around or rpg gamers around you'll immediately understand the website. You sign up and make a 'character sheet' which can be a multitude of races and classes, and you start as level 1. To level up you gain exp for doing tasks of your own choosing. You choose to give yourself an amount of exp according to the difficulty of the task. It's nice to be competitive with friends and try to have the highest level while also gaining points in the type of tasks you've been doing - so, as I've been trying a lot of new recipes recently, I've gained a fair amount of points in 'cookery'. You can look at other player's character sheets and check out what skills they've gained points in, etc. It's interesting. I recommend readers to give it a go, especially if they're students. (Essay motivation!)

That's it for this post.

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