Saturday 25 January 2014

Bugs in the Tower!

So in my project, The Girl and the Dragon, the point is that the first main character - Aethelinda - wants to destroy a set amount of towers in order to complete her contract with a dragon. Her dragon friend is quite a pesky chap, and becomes angry if she does not do what he wishes.

So onwards, to the first tower.

And it's taking me such a long time.

Firstly there are bugs; bugs everywhere! Some are easy to fix, some are very time consuming. For example...

If you look closely you can see a shadow to the right of the players. Yeah, this dude isn't meant to be able to do that - he's only meant to be sticking to the ground. (Though it does a look a wee bit more creepy.) I didn't realise that this tileset allows players to walk through the roof tile. (The tileset presumes you'll always want to add a wall tile between.) If I want to keep the design I need to make a black impassible tile all around these maps which will be very time consuming. I probably won't be fixing this for the first demo.

Throughout the tower there are many various events to interact with, which also causes bugs. I'm already running out of ideas for the first tower, so while I was keen on making 14 of these bad boys, I think I'll stick to 9, and possibly start playing more rpgs for ideas.

Still, there is a lot to explore right now, with 5 levels so far (only 2 more to go!) and about 4 hidden characters to find.

The inbuilt character creator is currently weeping from exhaustion.

I'm getting closer and closer to that demo, and I'm really excited to share it.

1 comment:

  1. Voice acting in the game is awesome, you forgot to mention that!
