Saturday 1 September 2012

IAS, The Housekeeper and the Professor

Today was a good day.
The Ipswich Anime Society had another meet up which all in all, went well. Magic The Gathering seemed to be a more centralised focus than usual, and we had a couple of new members which is always a pleasant occasion. We also had a couple of unofficial and rather random "playing card throwers" that were less than pleasant, but, I guess that's another story.

A while back I finished reading 'The Housekeeper and the Professor' by Yoko Ogara, which, well, it was alright. The maths was actually interesting, and there was a curious development of character with the professor and his past. But there was never a satisfactory delivery of his past, and the ending was very quick.  The Housekeeper's young son suddenly becomes 22, and well, his career choice becomes much too perfect for me to accept. The last chapters really ruined the magic and realism of the book.
But, I might try another book from this author. O's in the library are easy to access discreetly, and generally near to good seating.

Other books I am due to read are '50 philosophy ideas you really need to know' by Ben Dupré, 'LIT' by Mary karr, 'EARTH' by 'OxTails' (Oxfam fundraiser), and 'Larry's Party' by Carol Shields.

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